Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm going to have to put a hold on the fun stuff for awhile, because my brain is currently having a series of irritating phases of over-thinking everything, working out every kink in my thoughts involving religion and my lack of it. When it comes to pointless stuff like this, for some reason I have to be a stubborn perfectionist about it, withdrawing into extended periods of introverted silence, pondering everything until I finally feel that I've figured it all out... again.

Don't worry (or don't get your hopes up, if you roll that way), I'm not questioning my lack of a belief in God. I've come to the conclusion a long time ago that the existence of God, or the lack of it, is all irrelevant and pointless to argue over. I never understood, people are arguing over God, when there isn't even an agreement as to what God is. Not only has "God" been described in different ways in different religions, there are different variations of those religions with different ideas of God, all filled with people with different personal views of God. To get a quick taste of about how many Gods that are possible, click this link: The number of possible of Gods is limited only by how many Gods people can theorize or believe in, all of which are just as unprovable and likely to exist as the next. There are infinite possibilities.

So why would anybody even bother to argue for just one particular God, or that "some sort" of God must exist, because of course, one of those infinite possibilities exists, which includes the possibilities of there being no God, or multiple Gods, or multiple Gods in multiple dimensions, or that Ronald McDonald is God, or that an individual's toe nails are God, or that Jesus is God. And even if one could prove that God exists, then what relevance would that have to us? Sure, one could argue that there is a general shared concept of God (even though I have yet to find ONE trait that is shared among all the current ideas of God), but then how do you know that that "shared" definition is the "correct" definition of God? All this does is lead you in circles, and when everybody else is circling the same circle, each thinking that their individual perspective of the circle is the correct perspective of the circle, so they end up bumping into each other and getting pissed at each other. This can result in anything from somebody getting in an argument with their father-in-law because he disagrees with his notion that God is a Mexican hillbilly from the future, to starting a war over it, trying to prove that one flavor of God is better then the other. As far as I am concerned, God is just a word. People attempt to define it. And people label anything that fits their definition of God as God.

So yeah, God is irrelevant to me and I don't care if somebody believes in God or doesn't. This is not to say that I'm completely fine with organized religion. I'm tired of writing now though, so I think I'll start with the biblical pissing in my next post, and if I feel like it, other holy books as well. Although to me, it's all pretty much the same thing, except for Buddhism. I'm generally cool with Buddhism. In fact, I'm pretty much with all religions in at least one way. For example, christianity isn't bad, only certain types of christians or people that practice christianity are bad. I've seen bad christians and I've seen good christians, so saying that christianity is bad doesn't make sense.

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